Starting Things
Hi! I’m Chris and this is one of many attempts I’ve made to actually start this blog.
I’ve thought about it a lot. I’ve watched tons of YouTube videos about starting a blog, starting a podcast, growing my YouTube channel, growing my social media presence. All of that time spent learning how to do these things, yet I never actually started.
Call it being self-conscious, lacking confidence or wanting everything to be perfect to the point where I just didn’t do anything at all, I just didn’t do anything with what I learned. I would look at the people I follow on social media and to see what they’re doing now to make great content, but never took the time to go (scroll) all the way to the beginning when they started. Everyone has to start somewhere.
So, after years (literally, I tried starting this 3 years ago) of being scared of things not going the way I planned, I’m just going to start doing things. And to keep myself accountable, I’m going to publicly list the things I want to do. So if you’re reading this, and follow my social media, and you see me not doing what I said I was going to do, feel free to keep me honest. I’m open to the feedback.
I’m going to start
- Writing blog posts, at least once a month, about things that interest me and my experiences with technology, travel, work and whatever else I encounter
- A Podcast. I will be sharing where to find that soon, but it’s really just going to be a podcast where I talk about things that might not be suitable for a full-blown blog post
- Putting myself out there. It’s simple really. You won’t know who I am, what I’ve done, what I know or where I’ve been if you can’t find me or my content
But why
Lately, I feel like I have a lot of things on my mind and nowhere to put them. I can write them down, but then what?
I feel like I take some pretty cool pictures, but then they’re just on my phone. Why not share them?

I’ve been able to travel to some pretty cool places for work, but only my family and co-workers know about it. Why not share how I got there and what I did and maybe encourage others to do the same?

I have a really nice drone my parents bought me as a graduation gift. I’ve captured some pretty neat things and made a few videos about them. Why not share that as well?
These are the types of things I want to start doing and it’s all starting with this post.
Keep an eye on my site for more content. Follow me on my social media as well. Let’s get this going!